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Acedo Santamarina strengthens, as of today, its Probono and Family Litigation practices

We are very pleased to inform you that Acedo Santamarina strengthens, as of today, its Probono and Family Litigation practices, with the incorporation of Guadalupe Díaz S.G., as coordinator of these practice areas.

She was the founder and led the Bufete Jurídico Gratuito Social, A.C. for nearly 20 years. This association is part of the probono work carried out by the Universidad Panamericana School of Law.

Ms. Díaz holds a law degree from the Universidad Panamericana; she has postgraduate studies in Civil Law from the University of Salamanca (Spain); completed several post-graduate studies related to Family Law, and is a candidate for a Doctorate in Law from the Universidad Panamericana, where she has also collaborated as a coordinator, researcher and professor.

Welcome, Guadalupe Díaz!

Acedo Santamarina

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